Tiffany Seay

With southern roots and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Tiffany Seay is an integral part of our team. Raised in the historic and vibrant city of Charleston, Tiffany developed a deep appreciation for both tradition and innovation. While she spent many enriching years in the upstate, she now calls the bustling city of Charlotte her home.

Tiffany’s academic prowess shines through in her credentials. A proud graduate of the College of Charleston, she earned her degree in accounting, equipping her with the knowledge and skills that make her the dynamic Controller she is today for our company.

While professional achievements are a significant part of Tiffany’s story, they’re just one facet. A devoted mother, her children are her world. When she’s not navigating numbers or enjoying precious moments with her kids, you’ll likely find her soaking up the sun or cruising the waters, embracing her love for boating.

  • College of Charleston
  • Family
  • Sunshine
  • Boating